Functions - Former Editor-in-Chief ZDM, now Associate Editor

ZDM - The International Journal on Mathematics Education


Since 2025: Associate Editor of  ZDM- The International Journal on Mathematics Education

Since 2007: Editor-in-Chief of ZDM - The International Journal on Mathematics Education, published by Springer Verlag.

Since 2005: Editor-in-Chief of ZDM - Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik, edited by the Society of Didactics of Mathematics

ZDM is one of the oldest mathematics education research journals. The papers appearing in the six themed issues per year are strictly by invitation followed by internal peer review by selected members from the editorial board and external review by invited experts. The journal exists to survey, discuss and extend current research-based and theoretical perspectives as well as to create a forum for critical analyses of issues within mathematics education. The audience is pre-dominantly mathematics education researchers around the world interested in current developments in the field.
Abstracted/Indexed in:
Current Index to Journals in Education, Current Mathematical Publications, Education Abstracts, Educational Research Abstracts Online (ERA), ISI Web of Science, MathDi, Mathematical Reviews, Mathematics Abstracts, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt Mathematikdidaktik