Teacher Education and Development Study: Learning to Teach
Project members:
- Prof. Dr. Sigrid Blömeke (Project leader, formerly Humboldt University of Berlin, now University of Oslo)
- Prof. Dr. Albert Bremerich-Voss (University of Duisburg-Essen)
- Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kaiser (University of Hamburg)
- Prof. Dr. Rainer Lehmann (Humboldt-University of Berlin)
- Prof. Dr. Günther Nold (Technical University of Dortmund)
- Prof. Dr. Knut Schwippert (University of Hamburg)
- Prof. Dr. Heiner Willenberg (University of Hamburg)
Associated members of the project group:
- Prof. Dr. Jan Hollm (University of Education Ludwigsburg)
- Prof. Dr. Jörg-U. Keßler (University of Education Ludwigsburg)
- Dr. Helga Haudeck (University of Education Ludwigsburg)
Project staff:
- Prof. Dr. Jörg Doll (University of Hamburg)
- Prof. Dr. Johannes König (formerly Humboldt University of Berlin, now University of Cologne)
- Dr. Christiane Buchholtz (Humboldt University of Berlin)
- Dr. Bianca Roters (formerly Technical University of Dortmund, now University of Colgone)
- Dr. Nils Buchholtz (University of Hamburg)
- Jutta Dämmer (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Project duration: 01.10.2008 - 31.10.2012
Financial support:
TEDS-LT was designed to diagnose the development of professional competences of future teachers of the lower secondary level, for the school subjects German, English and Mathematics within the framework of the new academic structure of bachelor and master degrees, as well as – if still existent – in the former teacher education system. TEDS-LT represents an extension at a national level to the actual IEA Study „Teacher Education and Development: Learning to Teach Mathematics (TEDS-M)“, carried out at 130 institutions of the second phase of German teacher education with nearly 2.000 participants, which is financed by the DFG – German Research Foundation (KA-797).
TEDS-LT follows the competence definition of Weinert (1999). Through the establishment of standards for teacher education (2004), the Federal Conference of Education Ministers of Germany implemented a framework for educational science by which for the first time, it is possible to evaluate empirically the achievement potentials of teacher education regarding competences determined at the national level. In addition to that, for the subjects German, English and Mathematics standard-based regulations already exist and can be used for the development of tests. The study started in winter term 2009/2010, future teacher student groups at various universities from the time before they receive their bachelor degrees until after their master degree exams (or the equivalent according to the old German structure of study) are tested according and their subject knowledge in mathematics, German or English, their related pedagogical content knowledge and their general pedagogical knowledge. Furthermore, they are asked about their learning possibilities during their teacher education. The target group consists of students of the third year of study. The same cohorts of future teachers were tested one year after the first testing on their progress concerning their professional knowledge.