Copyright Thomas Raupach


Modelling in mathematics education- development of teacher interventions and their integration into pre- and in-service teacher education

Project supported by the German Ministry of Education and Research (01JG1078)   

Duration: 1.1.2011-31.12.2014

Staff: Peter Stender


The learning and teaching of modelling has gained high relevance in the mathematics didactical debate and in school practice. In the didactical discussion it is now consensus that the students should deal with this kind of problems as autonomously as possible. So far, there is no answer, how the teachers should act in class, especially how the teachers can support the students, if difficulties occur.

In the ongoing PhD study by Peter Stender types of intervention by teachers in autonomous modelling activities have been developed based on already known results of previous studies. The developed types of intervention have been transferred into a teacher training programme, where experienced and prospective teachers will learn types of intervention, which support students in their modelling activities.

The teacher training has been evaluated based on videotaping of teachers supporting students in modelling problems of various complexity. In addition, the teachers have been interviewed afterwards using the method of stimulated recall. The transcription of the teaching activities and the interviews with the teachers have been analysed according to different criteria and have been transferred into an improved teacher training programme.  The PhD thesis by Peter Stender will be submitted in Spring 2015.